Thursday, May 16, 2024

10 Hottest
Fitness Franchises,

“All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.”

On the Cover

Hans Hartleben

"We are making the average person become their own biggest fan again. People's bodies change and as they change, they move faster. They even walk with more purpose and hop in their step.”


“Our mission is to change the way people work out by helping EVERY.BODY.UNLEASH their super human potential to strengthen their body and their life through time condensed technology training,”

Christine Kelly

"I started Little Kickers because I saw many loopholes in the way the business was being conducted. I wanted my business to be ethical, meaningful, and wanted it to have a huge positive impact on kids."

PickUp USA Fitness

"Millions of people play PickUp basketball across the US. However, the experience is not great for them. Hence, PickUp USA Fitness was meticulously designed by taking every input from the referees into regard."

Steve Collette

“We like to describe ourselves as the anti-gym....3rd Degree Training is a place where anyone irrespective of the age or fitness level can come and achieve their health goals.”

Steve Collette, Founder, 3rd Degree

Sudore Wellness

"We teach people in walkers to throw them away. We improve balance and confidence every day and we see people blown away by what they can accomplish with the right training."

Jesse James Leyva

"Outlaw embodies an encouraging community, with personalized attention from professional, certified trainers educated on the best fitness techniques – and how to safely perform them. Our philosophy is based on Progress, Not Perfection."

The Massage Company

"The history of body massage therapy dates back to 3000 BC in India where it was considered as a sacred process that induced natural healing. Being the land of origin of Ayurveda, Indians understand the importance of a deep body massage. Due to its natural qualities of healing injuries, relieving pain, preventing and curing illnesses, body massage is a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation."

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