Sunday, May 12, 2024




On the Cover

“Our society often leads us to believe that you need to be wealthy or have a lot of money to buy your own home. Because of this false narrative, many do not attempt to buy a home of their own. They give up the idea of purchasing their own home before they even try"

“Rarely is our first home our “dream home” but our first home is what will give us the step up needed to acquire our dream home!”

Anna Geary & Anita Baldwin

“Be fearless, keep going, don’t settle for less & Stay Savvy!”

“Mentorship programs, scholarships, and educating our youth are some strategies that can be implemented to help women reach their highest potential within their organizations. It is also important for women to be direct and ask for what they want and/or deserve.”

Featured Article

By Emily Rogers, Coach, and Founder, Expat Parenting Abroad

Catharine Young

“If you allow failure to hold you back from an experience or new job opportunity you are immediately assigning a “no” to yourself without giving yourself a fighting chance.”


Detecting food insecurity requires more than assessing what’s in your refrigerator or measuring the distance between your home and the closest supermarket.


Vaccinations, masks and some distancing – along with low community transmission – can help protect students in classrooms and cafeterias.

“The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear.”

Pooja Bali

“Live your life the way you dream and dare to live the way you want and not what others expect of you with all honesty and perseverance.”

Sarah Brooks
Susi Lennox

Sarah Brooks and Susi Lennox are the Co-founders of The Yes Yes company Ltd. – a pioneering organic intimacy company that is making vaginas healthy and happy– and they can’t be more proud of it.

Kimberly Carney

“we are designer and brand advocates, not product-driven. It is about the partnerships we establish with the brands, focusing on their purpose and the ability to give them a voice.”

Social Media

To combat the lack of resources for women’s mental health, women turn to the popular image-sharing network Instagram for access to information about mental health.

“Businesses cannot afford to ignore the social impact of their business or the interests of their wider stakeholders. More than ever, people seek personal fulfillment from their work and make buying decisions that create a lasting impact on the world. The positive impact of diversity, inclusion and environmental sensitivity is no longer debatable.”

Our philosophy is simple, we know that many organizations struggle to keep their best people, adjust to rapidly changing market conditions, and fail to have an overall strategy to align their people and initiatives. We help them by developing that strategy. We help Visionaries and Leaders with Strategies and Tools so That They Can Make Their Impact.

“Our goal is to make brain tumors manageable, treatable, to find a cure, so that no child, no family suffers,” Denise Bebenek-Founder, Meagan’s HUG.

Brain Tumour Researcher
Sonia and Arthur Labatt
Brain Tumour Research Centre (BTRC), Toronto.

Lauren Dustman

“Strong professional and personal relationships are so powerful and can propel you forward in your career”

Featured Article

By Vicky Grammatikopoulou, Founder and CEO of Vie Aesthetics

Marla Blaylock

“My goal is to be remembered for how I made people feel about themselves. Not what I accomplish just at work.”

“Women bring a ‘feminine energy’ which is reflected through a greater sense of empathy, ability to forge relationships and build communities in very human ways”

“There is a big expectation for women CEOs that in order to be successful you have to work yourself to death. It is tragic that so many people believe it to be true. I see all these male CEOs being celebrated for putting in punishing hours at work, but when you look closely you find out that their personal lives are hanging by a thread. Want to be successful? Work smarter, not harder”


At the core of changes already underway is that the customer not the bank will own their banking history. It’ll make switching easier, and it’s about to spread to other services.

Climate Change

There are a lot of people who go straight from denial to despair without pausing on the intermediate step of actually doing something about the problem.

Amy Sanchez

“I thrive when helping leaders and companies clear roadblocks so they can reach their full potential. When this happens, and there is a positive intention for wider impact behind the change, I find that there is a positive ripple effect across everyone the leader and or/company interacts with. It contributes to spreading positivity and meaningful change throughout the world.”


Much of the US has been experiencing heat waves in recent weeks. An economist explains how the often record-high temperatures can affect the economy..

“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.”

“We as entrepreneurs strive for balance in our lives because, in reality, we would want to work every waking moment to achieve our goals because we love what we do”

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