Saturday, May 18, 2024

Artificial Intelligence

Algorithms workers can’t see are increasingly pulling the management strings

“I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.” HAL’s cold, if polite, refusal to open the pod bay doors in 2001 A Space Odyssey has...
A overlay of a hand and HAL 9000

Why there will be never an AI like HAL 9000?

HAL 9000 is one of the best-known artificial intelligence characters of modern film. This superior form of sentient computer embarks on a mission to...
The U.S. government, long a proponent of advancing technology for military purposes, sees artificial intelligence as key to the next generation of fighting tools | Aspioneer

Is the US losing the AI arms race?

The U.S. government, long a proponent of advancing technology for military purposes, sees artificial intelligence as key to the next generation of fighting tools. Several recent...
Astronauts in space

5 ways AI can help space exploration

Artificial intelligence has been making waves in recent years, enabling us to solve problems faster than traditional computing could ever allow. Recently, for example,...
One important concern is that AI systems reinforce existing social biases – to damaging effect| Aspioneer

Artificial intelligence could be a force for social good – but we’re currently heading...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already re-configuring the world in conspicuous ways. Data drives our global digital ecosystem, and AI technologies reveal patterns in data....
When we communicate face-to-face there is an expectation of mutual attentiveness, but these norms could be wholly deconstructed if we were to have the majority of our conversations with non-humans | Aspioneer

Talking to AI voice assistants might just change how we interact

When you’re lost, Siri can be your best friend. But if she can’t retrieve the right address from your contacts, she can drive you...
If we're going to call AI a "extinction risk," we need to be more specific about how it might occur.

If we’re going to call AI a “extinction risk,” we need to be more...

This week a group of well-known and reputable AI researchers signed a statement consisting of 22 words: Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should...

Relax! The Terminator is not here yet!

Scientists are known for making dramatic predictions about the future – and sinister robots are once again in the spotlight now that artificial intelligence...
A telephone, lying open and close

AI’s reaching potential

Google recently unveiled its latest talking AI, called Duplex. Duplex sounds like a real person, complete with pauses, “umms” and “ahhs”. The tech giant says...
A representation of a neuron

Neural networks and deep learning: A primer

Have you ever toyed with the idea of what machine learning actually does? If machine learning is a pack horse for information processing, a...